What to Consider Before Installing Solar Panels on Your Roof

Yorumlar · 1397 Görüntüler

Now that you know why solar panels are such a good idea, we’re sure you’re eager to purchase your own.

Now that you know why solar panels are such a good idea, we’re sure you’re eager to purchase your own.


Don’t rush to the stores (or your laptop) just yet — there are some key considerations to make first.


You don’t want to invest in technology that doesn’t meet your electricity generation needs or install the incorrect equipment.


How to install solar panels on roof? Consider the following factors carefully before jumping into solar.


Your Location

Location isn’t just about the amount of sunshine you receive on a daily basis. Peak sun hours have an impact, but solar panels can pick up energy even in low-light situations. You don’t need to live in a desert for your solar panel to generate adequate power.


However, if your roof is positioned under heavy shade, you won’t reap the same benefits as a solar panel that receives direct sunlight.


Do some research on how much sunlight your location receives on average and consider factors like shade. It pays to know how worthwhile your investment will end up being before committing.


How Much Energy Does Your Home Use?

Numerous factors affect how much energy your home consumes. The number of people in your house, how many devices you have running concurrently, and your home’s size all contribute. Make sure you review how much electricity your home consumes, with specific reference to the wattage of essential devices and appliances, before purchasing solar panels and a solar power system.


Doing the math will give you a clearer insight into how beneficial the switch to solar will be for you!


The Condition of Your Roof

Solar panels do not typically damage your roof, but they do exert additional weight on the existing structure. This is because they are usually mounted via panel hooks or similar devices.


If your roof hasn’t been inspected in a few years or has shown signs of degradation (rot, woodworm, rust, etc), it might not be the best time to invest in roof-mounted solar panels.


The last thing you want is to splash out on a set of solar panels only to find your roof can’t support them.


Besides, portable solar panels are also a more than viable option. You can set them up in your backyard — and take them anywhere.


The Brand You Purchase From

Last but perhaps most importantly, you need to consider which manufacturer to purchase your solar panels and the solar power system that converts and stores electricity from.


Not all brands (or solar panels) are created equal — and reputation matters!


You should always read up on the brand you’re investing in before proceeding through checkout. You might think you’ve found a bargain, but if you’re purchasing subpar technology, it will likely need to be replaced much sooner than you’d like.


Installing solar panels on your roof can seem like a huge undertaking, but it can prove highly worthwhile.


Not only do you get energy independence, but you also do your part for the environment and save money on utility bills in the long run.


Consider purchasing your own solar panels today and see for yourself why so many people and businesses are turning to solar power.

